A Review Of The Best PhD Thesis Topics In Biotechnology

Writing a PhD thesis in biotechnology will certainly require solid research and hard work. The field is developing very fast and you have to keep up with all the latest developments. Otherwise, your work may turn out to be outdated before it’s approved by your committee. Your first task is choosing a relevant and sound topic to ensure the timeliness of your work.

PhD Thesis Topics in Biotechnology Worth Considering

  • The use of non-standard microorganisms in the production of beer.
  • The beer market is developing very fast and new microorganisms are being used in the fermentation process.

  • The fermentation ability of those organisms provides a wide room for research.
  • The application of modern methods for evaluating the quality of raw materials in food.

    The quality of a plant depends on many factors. Therefore, it’s necessary to develop modern methods for evaluating those factors.

    The shelf life of meat products and the influence of natural antioxidants and preservatives on it. The aim of the work will be to determine what bioactive substances can make the shelf life of meat products longer.

  • The effectiveness of sterilization in the production of pet food.
  • The production of pet food is growing as is the number of materials being used for it. In the dissertation, the resistance to sterilization of various microorganisms which are found in those materials should be assessed.

  • A study of the quality and safety of thermally processed foods.
  • Thermal processing may impact much of the quality of foods. Modern chromatography and spectrometry should be used in assessing quality and safety.

  • New strategies for the analysis of pesticide residues in food.
  • The latest developments in the field of determination of pesticide residues should be studied.

  • Influence of metal nanoparticles on the microorganisms populations.
  • Subject of the dissertation should be evaluating the impact nanoparticles have on cells under various environmental conditions.

  • Interaction of microorganisms in multi-species biofilms.
  • Microorganisms often live in biofilm. The subject of the work should be research of their relationships with the aim of being able to control abiotic fields by pathogenic microorganisms.

  • Nutritional importance of resistant and slowly digestible starch.
  • The work should be focused on the properties of modified starch.

Other Topics

The list of PhD thesis topics is very long. You may, for example, take up the encapsulation of probiotics or analyze the main principles of monitoring chocolate quality. Also, the analysis of bioactive compounds in water is an interesting topic. Whatever topic you choose, use the latest methods in your research to make sure that your work is substantiated with a lot of analytical data.

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